A Word on Sonics
A long, long time ago, in the 1990's...
The holy grail wasn't much bigger than a dinner plate. It cost everything I had, and I would have paid double.
If you are of a certain age and have certain interests, it may be familiar to you. It's the sound I fell in love with as I was figuring out the type of person I wanted to become. Much of which I filtered through music. (As I still do)
So I took a two decade break, but I like picking up where I left off sonically. I like the rough edges, just a little bit. It's hard because our collaborators drop such gorgeous tracks. So it's a fine line to walk. But this is still the beginning, and, advanced in years though I may be, I love the anxious energy of beginnings.
The absolutely wonderful Walter Martin just built a gorgeous recording studio (check it out on Instagram). Around that process and his new album, he said that he tries to make his tracks sound like they were recorded in the living room. I love that idea so much. In my own mind, I like that Permission to Dream sounds a little bit like I'm still hitting record on the tape and letting my mind spin with possibility along with the cassette.