The Original Curiosity.

How Did We Get Here?

I got here inevitably, by accident. There is no way this should be happening. I bring very little to the table that is attractive to other musicians So I can’t quite believe you’re here. But I’m happy you’ve found us.

We're not trying to do this normally. I’ve been around long enough and seen enough to make that aspiration uninteresting. I am inspired by the world around me, so I don’t intend to keep it out of our recordings. I’ve been thinking of it as music made in real life. So you may hear my kids in the background. Or my dog’s collar rattle (never on the beat). Those are not accidents; they are the foundation of the intentional parts of the music, so they are intentionally welcome here.

There is so much wonderful music out there. So many musicians more talented or more creative than me (usually both). The only thing I have going for me is that I am the only me there’s ever been or will be, and that’s worth celebrating. As is the world. These songs are me catching little wisps of a life, and trying to make them last. If you can take something from them, and maybe want to revisit them as you are having a moment in your life, then I believe they will last. And I'll be deeply thankful.


…And then we were born